A Study on Teaching EFL Writing (Reading-Based Writing Instruction) | 북파니

A Study on Teaching EFL Writing (Reading-Based Writing Instruction)

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A Study on Teaching EFL Writing (Reading-Based Writing Instruction)

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쪽수 : 194쪽
소득공제 가능도서 (자세히보기)
도서 소개
In this study, one-way ANCOVAs, one-way ANOVAs, and paired t-tests were used to analyze the data obtained from the pre- and post-tests and surveys. In addition to an examination of the effectiveness of intertextual and reflective-reading strategies with teacher feedback in improving overall writing scores, the objective and subjective writing types was also analyzed separately. Five components of writing were also compared before and after the instruction to determine which, if any, was improved the most; these five components were content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation. Additionally, the survey results were analyzed to establish whether the students’ self-awareness of their writing process and their confidence in writing rose over the period of instruction. The results revealed that the IRRF gained higher scores in the post-experimental ‘writing test than did the control and RRF groups. IRRF reading-based writing instruction was also effective in improving both objective and subjective writing, though its influence on objective writing was greater. IRRF also improved vocabulary and punctuation, while content, organization, and students’ self-awareness in writing improved with the application of reflective-reading strategies with teacher feedback on their own with on need for xiadditional intertextuality. Grammar improved in both the RRF and IRRF groups. When considering the IRRF group only, content and organization showed greater improvement than grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation. The instruction also raised students’ confidence in writing but this increase was not significant in this study. The findings provide pedagogical implications for EFL classrooms. The setting of the study, a single school in Korea with non-English major students as the participants, was a major limitation. It is recommended that the same instructional model be applied at different educational levels and under different conditions in future studies.
저자 소개
저자 : 김민주 BA in English Literature at UCLA. MA in TESOL at NYU. Studied in Asian Literature & Culture at Columbia University, NY. PhD in English Education at Korea University. Currently, Assistant Professor at Daegu University.
목 차
ABSTRACT 3 CHAPTER I 11 1.1 Context of the Study 13 1.2 Purpose of the Study 27 1.3 Research Questions 28 CHAPTER II 31 2.1 Changes in EFL Writing Education 33 2.2 Current Theories about EFL Writing Education 35 2.3 Reading to Improve Writing 37 2.4 Intertextuality in Reading-Based Writing 52 2.5 Reflective Reading 58 2.6 Teacher Feedback 62 2.7. Type of Writing Education in EFL 69 2.8 Self-Awareness in EFL Learning 70 2.9 Self-Confidence in EFL Learning 71 CHAPTER III 73 3.1 Research Design 75 3.2 Subjects 76 3.3 Instruments 79 3.4 Administrative Procedures for the Experiment 83 3.5 Writing Measures 91 3.6 Data Sets and Analysis 95 CHAPTER IV 97 4.1 One-Way ANOVA on Students’ TOEIC Scores before the Experiment 99 4.2 Quantitative Findings 101 4.3 Pearson Correlations between Evaluators on the Writing Performance Test 120 CHAPTER V 123 5.1 Quantitative Research 125 CHAPTER VI 133 6.1 Findings 135 6.2 Pedagogical Implications of the Study 137 6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 139 REFERENCES 142 Appendix A: A Sample of PPT Lecture 174 Appendix B: A Sample of Short Answers 177 Appendix C: A Sample of Multiple Choice and True-or-False Questions 177 Appendix D: Pre-Writing Test 179 Appendix E: Post-Writing Test 180 Appendix F: Survey on self-awareness and self-confidence in English writing 181 Appendix G: A Sample from the Textbook 182 Appendix H: A Sample of Reflective-Reading Strategy 1 (Summarization) 184 (Chapter 1) Appendix I: A Translated Sample of Reflective-Reading Strategy 2 (Reading Journal) 184 (Chapter 1) Appendix J: Scoring the Writing Tests 186 Appendix K: Scoring Rubric for the Writing Tests 187 Appendix L: A Sample of a Grammar Lecture PPT (Chapter 1) 189 Appendix M: A Sample of a Grammar Handout (Chapter 1)
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