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쪽수 : 276쪽
Taylor, Mildred D.  |  동방도서  |  1997년 02월 01일
소득공제 가능도서 (자세히보기)
책 소개
인종차별에 대한 저항의식을 그려낸 동화. 노예해방이 선언된 지 70년이 지난 1933년, 캐시 가족은 흑인이라는 이유 하나만으로 하류 인간으로 취급당한다. 오빠 스테이시, 캐시, 크리스토퍼 존 그리고 리틀맨은 흑인이라는 이유로 백인처럼 학교 가는 버스를 탈 수 없을 뿐만 아니라 백인학교 기사는 버스로 이들을 위협하여 미시시피 강의 흙먼지 속으로 가두고, 붉은 진흙탕 속에 빠뜨렸다. 또 그레인저 일당이 캐시 가족의 땅을 노예해방전의 남부처럼 만들려고 노리면서, 밤의 무법자가 되어 흑인들에게 횡포를 가한다. 캐시의 아버지는 자신들이 이러한 모든 부당한 억압을 이겨낼 수 없을 것이라고 짐작하고, 자신의 자손들을 위해 백인들의 밤의 무법자와 싸우는데... 이 책에서는 인권투쟁과 인종차별에 대한 항쟁이 흑인들의 증오나 분개 혹은 비탄에서 비롯된 것이 아니라 인간으로서의 자존심과 인간의 이성 그리고 인류의 존엄성에서 비롯된 것이라고 말한다.


National Book Award WINNER
Newbery Medal Winner WINNER

Why is the land so important to Cassie's family? It takes the events of one turbulent year--the year of the night riders and the burnings, the year a white girl humiliates Cassie in public simply because she is black--to show Cassie that having a place of their own is the Logan family's lifeblood. It is the land that gives the Logans their courage and pride, for no matter how others may degrade them, the Logans possess something no one can take away.

---From the Back Cover

This is Newbery Medal-winning book in 1977.

The Newbery Medal for Best Children's Book
The Newbery Medal honors the year's most distinguished contribution to American literature
for children. The medal was established in 1922 and is presented annually by the Association
for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).
The recipient must be a citizen or resident of the United States.
저자 소개
저자 : Taylor, Mildred D.

"I do not know how old I was when the daydreams became more than that, and I decided to write them down, but by the time I entered high school, I was confident that I would one day be a writer." - Mildred D. Taylor Newbery Award-winning author, Mildred D. Taylor, was born in Jackson, Mississippi, and grew up in Toledo, Ohio. After graduating from the University of Toledo, she spent two years in Ethiopia with the Peace Corps teaching English and history. Returning to the United States, Ms. Taylor entered the University of Colorado’s School of Journalism, from which she received her Master of Arts degree. As a member of the Black Student Alliance, she worked with students and University officials in structuring a Black Studies program at the University. She currently lives in Colorado. "From as far back as I can remember, my father taught me a different history from the one I learned in school. By the fireside in our Ohio home and in Mississippi, where I was born and where my father’s family had lived since the days of slavery, I had heard about our past. It was not an organized history beginning in a certain year, but one told through stories?stories about great-grandparents and aunts and uncles and others that stretched back through the years of slavery and beyond. It was a history of ordinary people, some brave, some not so brave, but basically people who had done nothing more spectacular than survive in a society designed for their destruction."
목 차
출판사 서평
“The vivid story of a black family whose warm ties to each other and their land give them strength to defy rural Southern racism during the Depression. . . . Entirely through its own internal development, the novel shows the rich inner rewards of black pride, love, and independence despite the certainty of outer defeat.” -Booklist (starred review)

“The strong, clear-headed Logan family . . . are drawn with quiet affection and their actions tempered with a keen sense of human fallibility.”-pointer, Kirkus Reviews

“The events and setting of the powerful novel are presented with such verisimilitude and the characters are so carefully drawn that one might assume the book to be autobiographical, if the author were not so young.”-The Horn Book
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